Friday, March 25, 2011

Daily Dose of Delicious Dubstep

In today's entry i've got an artist known as Daladubz. he is great at putting out that filth.
here is a song from the movie Dumbo remixed and it sounds awesome.

another great song from Daladubz

let me know what you think in the comments


  1. haven't heard anything like that pink elephant track before, interesting style. i like experimental music, although it does fail a lot ) nice share

  2. The pink elephant track is rather interesting, this song will probably grow on me more after a few listens!

  3. Love the videos man! Awesome stuff thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh my god. I think I'm in love.

  5. Always a fan of any dubstep I hear. Check out the SUBshockers, they make some dope remixes :D
